Monday, April 18, 2011

Intel Redeploys Itanium Engineers to Xeon Projects

Intel Corp's (NASDAG: INTC)  officially claims that Xeon processors may offer better level of performance and availability than the company's Itanium. According to people with alleged knowledge of the matter, Intel had been specifically reappointing engineers from the Itanium teams into development of Xeon central processing units (CPUs).

"Nearly all the Itanium engineers, save a small development team working on Poulson and then rotating over to Kittson, have been redeployed on Xeon-related projects," said person with knowledge of the situation, who wanted to remain anonymous.

At Protegesoft, we have migrated our flagship application Financial Portfolio Builder and have optimized it for the Xeon Chipset. With Microsoft (MSFT), Oracle (ORCL) and RedHat (RHT) withdrawing their support for the Itanium architecture, the commercial viability for Itanium market is suspect.

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